Where do I find my booking code?

Look at the back of your experience gift at the top right corner

How it works

Here is a quick overview of how to redeem your experience gift

1 Add code from your gift

Add your experience code in the field above to redeem your gift and start booking the experience

2 Select the date

You will be presented with how to select a date. If you want, you will have the option to bring more people with you to the experience.

3 Off to the experience

All specifications for you to prepare will be given and you will be ready.

Frequently asked questions

My gift has expired - what do I do?

If your gift is less than 3 years old we will extend it in 9 out of 10 cases. Please add your code in the field at the top of the page and request an extension.

I have a Truestory gift card

In that case you hold a giftcard in its classical sense. It is used as payment when booking any experience on our platform. You add the code found on the giftcard just before you pay for the experience.

Can I book another date once I have booked my experience?

If there are more than 3 days until you are supped to go out on the experience, you have the option to move the booking. However, some experience hold unique booking policy. In that case, it will appear as part of the description of the experience.

What if we are more people and the gift says its for one person?

It is possible to add extra participants to the experience when you book it using your experience gift. Start by adding the booking code in the field at the top of the page. Then when selecting the date, you will have the option to add more participants.